Saturday 30 August 2014

Room 21 joins the learning revolution!

Hello everyone, I hope you are all happy and well and if you are a teacher or student, looking forward to the new academic year! I am so excited about what this year holds ahead for myself, my students, my colleagues and the school community where I work in terms of learning and the achievement that comes from it.

So yesterday Room 21 joined the learning revolution! First things first, I would just like to say thank you so much to my family, friends, my colleagues and my past, current and future students, who have allowed me the opportunity to follow my imagination and who inspire me every day to be the best teacher that I can. I would particularly like to thank the Year 9 and Year 11 students at St. James’ Catholic High School who have been instrumental in helping make my imagination a reality. Thank you so much for all you have done to help me, I will never forget it. A quick message to my past, present and any future students who read this...if you learn one thing from this process I hope it is this…never be afraid to follow your dreams and ambitions and never be afraid to make a mistake! As a genius once said,

“anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
A. Einstein.

I would also like to say a special thank you to a person who provided the initial spark that captured my imagination, informed me that there is a different way to educate the most important individuals on our planet and began this little adventure of ours! If you don’t already know who Ken Robinson is (unlikely, I know!), after you have finished reading this, I can not recommend enough watching/listening to his inspirational talk (see below) and simply imagining his vision of education. It is truly wonderful!

Over the 2014-15 academic year, we would like to share with fellow teachers and educators everywhere, Room 21’s vision of the future of education. We would like to see if our vision resonates with you and if it does, we need all your passion, intelligence and help to make our vision a reality, as we truly believe it is achievable and realistic in our life times. Events have already transpired in the last three years that have made everything that we have done so far already so incredibly worthwhile. I very much hope to be able to show you everything that has occurred in the near future. Please stay tuned to find out!

I wish everyone a very happy and enjoyable 2014-15 academic year, full of learning and the achievement that comes from it. Here is the inspiration and why we do what we do in Room 21.

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