Saturday 13 September 2014

Almost time!


I hope your week was as enjoyable as mine. My students are all so respectful and willing to learn it makes my role as their teacher so incredibly enjoyable. I think I also finally mastered all of my new students names, which I am obviously very pleased about.

There were so many enjoyable moments it is difficult for me to choose any one over another to discuss with you now. I have to mention Friday as my new Yr 7 form and I went on an activity retreat to Linnet Clough. It was so cool to see them have the opportunity to interact and have so much fun outside of the classroom. I finally had the opportunity to get to know them all a little better individually, as the first two weeks of school have gone so quickly.

It is so obvious just by speaking to them that they are all so unbelievably happy and full of the joys of being 11 years old. I think I smiled throughout the entire day as it was so enjoyable seeing them building new friendships. I know that some of them will be friends for the rest of their lives. In fact, next weekend I am attending the wedding of my friend Paul who I went to primary and secondary school with. Our secondary school being the one I in fact work at now. Obviously I informed my form of this during the morning and it appeared to me to put an added excitement to the days activities. I can not begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to being their form tutor for the next five years.

I am also finding this blog writing process very enjoyable. Never have I written my thoughts about anything down before, it is quite a therapeutic process. Next week I intend to inform all of my students about this blog, not only so they can read it but also so they may be inspired to begin to write their own blogs, which I think will be cool. Even if they simply learn how to set a blog up that will be a useful skill to have learnt for that I am in no doubt. I am also very hopeful that in fact you will be hearing from them in the near future via this blog.

This week my students and I made some huge steps towards our goal for the year. I know I can speak on behalf of them when I say we are very much looking forward to sharing Room 21’s learning experiences and achievements with a wider audience. It shouldn’t be too long now as we are ready and set to go. Stay tuned to find out.

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