Sunday 21 September 2014

25 years in the blink of an eye.

Hi everyone,

Yesterday was such an amazing and special day for me as my life long friend Paul married his amazing wife Sarah. I cannot quite believe I have known him for 25 years. I thought as recognition of this fact, it would be cool to dust off the 1986 St. Peter’s Primary School photo as well as the 1997 St. James’ Catholic High School photo. I saw so many of my life long friends who I met at both of these schools it really does underline my absolute belief that the school communities that we are a part of really are the most important communities we will ever belong to. If you have a look you will also see some of the outstanding teachers who I was privileged enough to be educated by. I would like to take this opportunity to say a particular thank you to Mrs Riordan who was one of my Primary school teachers and who I have got to know personally as I am friends with her sons and daughter who I now work alongside at St. James’. Mrs Riordan is one of the most wonderful, selfless people you could ever wish to meet and is an absolutely outstanding teacher in every respect.

Paul is on the top row, second from the left. Mrs. Riordan is on the left.
Paul is on the back row, seventh from the right.
Last week was so enjoyable, some incredibly impressive examples of independent learning shown by some of my students outside of the classroom. I also made sure this was the week when I found out more about the individuals who are sat respectfully in front of me. Each of them was asked to answer three simple questions so that I could find out a little more about their lives outside of school. It really is one of the most important activities I do with each of my students every year. If I am able to connect with each of them on a personal level my role, as their teacher, appears so much easier in every respect. It was so cool finding out about some of the amazing interests and hobbies they have outside of school as well as what they would like to do in the future.

I’ve been contemplating what Room 21 is about to do for quite a long time now. The last permission was granted on Thursday, my students and I are all very excited. I think the fact that we know what we have done so far has already been successful on a small scale makes what we are about to do a little easier. We have all learnt so much already, now it’s simply time to see if others appreciate and see value in our vision. My students and I would really value your honest feedback as this will allow us to identify whether what we are doing could have a beneficial impact of students and teachers elsewhere. If you would also be so kind as to let any people you know whose lives are or will be impacted by the current education system, we would very much appreciate it. We hope you all have a wonderful week teaching and learning.

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