Sunday 12 October 2014

My Hopes, Dreams and Ambitions.

Hi everyone,

This week's blog has so kindly been produced by three absolutely wonderful students, Lucy, Olivia and Emily. They were simply provided with the title, 'My Hopes, Dreams and Ambitions' and asked to write an entry for the Classroom 21 blog. If you are in need of a little inspiration, take 10-15 minutes to read the hopes, dreams and ambitions of three students from Classroom 21. Their words did nothing other than completely inspire us to continue to do all that we can to ensure they have the best possible opportunity to fulfil them. It is so obvious to us that everyone at St. James' is working so incredibly hard each and every day to ensure all the students under our care have the same opportunity to fulfil their hopes, dreams and ambitions. We have no doubt this is the same in schools everywhere. Places of education really are such amazing place to work. Enjoy.

Hi everyone, 

In the upcoming year I am going to put in as much effort as possible into my school work, ensuring I work as hard as I possibly can independently in preparation for my GCSE exams starting in May. I have already achieved a GCSE grade B in English Language, English Literature and Biology, so I hope to pass the rest of my exams and maybe even get some A’s and A*’s by putting in all the hard work in the lead up to May.

When I leave school, I am going to go on to college and study Biology, Psychology and Health and Social Care. I haven’t yet decided which college I am going to go to. I am hoping to do A-Level courses so I can get to meet new people and have the experience of college, which I’ve heard is very different to school.

After college I would love to go to University to do a Midwifery course. Being a midwife has always been my dream and I am going to do my very best to fulfil this dream. Although Manchester University has a very good reputation, I think I would rather move into halls of residence in another city so I can experience the full uni life and again meet many more new people from all over the country and the world. I have considered Nottingham University or one in London, but I haven’t decided yet as I need to do some proper research and compare which would suit me best.

The Midwifery course is 3 years long, so if I take a gap year I will be 22 when I leave University. I’m still not sure about taking a gap year at the moment, as I just want to get on with the course and get into a job so I can earn a living and begin to look further ahead into the future. After graduating I hope to get a job working for the NHS in a hospital near where I am living, which could be anywhere. I think being a midwife will be an incredibly rewarding career, being able to bring new life into the world will have a big impact on the way I see the world at the moment and I think it will be a very moving experience every single day.

One day I would love to have my own family as I love children. I hope that when they grow up they can be happy and have a good education and childhood like I have. I will ensure they do well in life and always aim as high as they can. I would also consider emigrating to somewhere like Australia or Canada because I think the lifestyle would be completely different. I think it would be really fun and interesting to have a life and career in a different country, but first I need to complete my education, which at the moment is the most important thing.


Hello everyone,

I am 16 years old and currently in year 11 at St James’ Catholic High School. I am in my most important year at school with my GCSE’s just ahead of me. History, Geography and Triple Science are my options, along with the core subjects. My favourite subject is English Literature, I love reading almost anything and I find that the poems we explore are absorbing.

With my passion for English, I am hoping to have a career in this area. Magazine Journalism appears the most appealing to me because I love fashion and I love writing, so it would be perfect to put these two interests of mine together. My only worry is that it is a very competitive sector of work, and it can be quite hard to earn money. However, I believe it is true that if you are passionate about something you should do it, because if you enjoy it that much you will become a professional at it and then you can earn money through your passion and expertise.

I would really like to complete some work experience in this area. Media City runs a programme every summer for 16 year olds and above, so I hope to get onto this so that I can discover if this is the career path that I want to take. Also, I will write to all of my local newspapers to see if I could do some work there, or even write a few columns for free.
I would like to attend Aquinas College and then go to University to broaden my knowledge on English. I’m sure that if I do this, I will further explore the subject that I love, and it will also open up many more opportunities.

At some point in the future, I would like to spend some time in New York City, perhaps for a year. I would love to explore the mesmerising city and try and get as much work experience as possible. Working at the New York Times, The New Yorker or any other magazine/newspaper company in New York would be a dream of mine.

Having spent a whirlwind year in New York, I will return home to hopefully work at Media City. I hope to enhance my knowledge in the media sector and gain more creative ideas. Hopefully, when I am a professional in this area of work, I would love to manage or even own a magazine company! It would be so exciting to have my name on the front cover, with all of my ideas inside waiting to be read. When I think about it, it reminds me of a famous quote I love to hear as it always inspires me,

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.


Hello everyone, 

If I were to be granted one wish today, what would I wish for? There is so much going on in the world today that when I think about it I find it almost impossible to decide.

Like most people my age, I want to do as well as I can in my GCSEs, attend college and hopefully be accepted into RADA. It is my dream to attend RADA, where I hope to continue to improve my acting, which is my passion and I do both inside and outside of school.

Like many of my friends I am not exactly sure what I would like to do when I am older. Therefore I know I must make sure that I work as hard as I can in all the subjects I study, allowing me to have as many choices as possible when I do finally know what I want to do. Admittedly, I did not work hard enough in Year 10 but I have learnt from my mistake and have used this as a learning experience to allow me to work harder and make the most of Year 11. I feel that with the right amount of effort this year I will be able to achieve my A and A* target grades.

As many of my friends are aware, I visited Auschwitz in order to gain more knowledge of the Holocaust. Little did I know the visit would change my life. Since I visited Auschwitz I have written to Holocaust survivors and have received replies from many of them. I hope that when I am 16 I am able to help out and volunteer at the Holocaust Survivor Care Home in London, where I will be able to care and help others persevere in their every day lives.

I have idolised Eminem since I was eight years old. Although I wasn’t able to comprehend any of the language he used when I first started listening to him (my parents were not aware I was listening to his music at such a young age, sorry Mum and Dad!), I have always admired him. After several long, painful years waiting for him to visit the UK, I finally saw him live on the 25th August 2013. This was quite simply the best night of my life. Since that day I have seen him again this year, it was so amazing I can’t even put it into words. I would do almost anything to see him perform again for a third time. It would be an absolute dream come true if I were able to see him perform in America next year and if I were to meet him it would be so unbelievably incredible I can’t put it into words. I am still trying to persuade my mum to let me go.

I hope that one day I will have my own family. I definitely know I want to get married and have lots of children, preferably four. I would also like to work with children in some capacity when am I am older. When I grow up, as well as enjoying myself I want to be able to feel that I am helping the world and making a difference to peoples everyday lives in some way.

If I had one wish today and I had to make my wish, although there are lots of things I could wish for myself, I know what I would wish for. I would wish that in my lifetime a cure for cancer were found. I think that this would be one of societies biggest wishes. If this were to happen it would prevent the never ending and unnecessary break up of families all over the world. I also hope and pray that one day the world will finally become a place of peace. No abuse, no war, no starvation and no discrimination. But that is down to all of us. I hope and dream to do my bit along with everyone else but it appears to me we all spend so long hoping and wishing for something but do nothing to prevent it. I hope together we all try to do something positive for future generations.


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