Sunday 26 October 2014

22:50 - 982 likes - Milestone one - nearly complete.

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all happy and well. Last week was another amazing week at St. James’, thank you to all of my students for all their hard work and effort, not only for last week but also over the first eight weeks of this academic year. It has been an incredibly busy period for everyone at our school. There is no doubt in my mind that my students, as well as our school community, as well as school communities everywhere deserve a well-earned break. All of my students have been so outstanding throughout this period, each of them has shown an exemplary attitude to learning and it has been obvious and incredibly enjoyable to witness how much each of them has learnt. More importantly to me personally, it has been incredibly rewarding to see how each of my students has supported their friends, peers and classmates when they have been called upon to do so.

Classroom 21 has developed and nurtured an ethos whereby students do not see themselves as individuals in competition with one another, instead we work as one, to help and support each other in our learning. This ethos does not only relate to students within a year group but we have developed our own unique way of integrating learning of students from different year groups together, in the single goal and pursuit of learning and the achievements that learning brings. We are very much looking forward to sharing this unique learning environment with you.

My form has also been an absolute joy to tutor. It was so cool to see them at the annual St. James’ Year 7 disco; they were all so happy and full of the joys of being 11 and 12 years old. I had the opportunity to speak to and learn the names of some students who I had yet to even speak to, which was very uplifting. It always makes me wonder why this is? Why is it that there can be students within a school who because you do not teach, you have very little if any contact with? Even to the extent you do not know their names. It does not make any sense to me, as they are all as important as each other. Anyway, the disco brought the first half term to an incredibly fun and happy conclusion. Thank you Year 7.

Last week, as a group, we were so happy to be able to introduce Jaida and Tom, our Deputy Head Boy and Girl and Sean and Ciara, our Head Boy and Girl. I would like to take this opportunity to say how proud we are, not only of these four students (as we did that last week) but also of the Year 11 students at St. James’ who also applied for the position of Head Boy and Girl. The competition was absolutely unbelievable and I did not envy the job of selecting the final positions one tiny little bit. I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you who applied for the position. Many of you are now prefects at St. James’. Without you fulfilling your roles to the outstanding degree to which you currently are the younger students at St. James’ would not have role models who they can look up to. It is quite difficult to think how difficult working at our school would be without you as the outstanding role models you continue to be to our younger students.

At the current rate, it appears tomorrow we will reach our first milestone on social media, 1,000 Facebook likes. Thank you so much for the support that you have shown Classroom 21. Coincidently it is also my birthday. What an incredible gift. I would like to dedicate this milestone to my students who I know have been absolutely inspired by this process so far. I know that each of them is now more aware of what they are capable of if they think and imagine big and are never afraid to try something different. Everyone who has liked the page has helped to inspire so thank you all so much. I have more to say on the next milestone, which is going to take things to another level entirely, I am going to leave that until the 1,000 likes has actually been reached as there is still the possibility it may not. I am quite curious to see who will be like number 1,000 as some of my students are I am sure. One of them may indeed be that very person…


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