Sunday 2 November 2014

A very interesting learning curve.

To my students,

I hope you have all had an enjoyable holiday and are feel refreshed and ready to go tomorrow. I am very much looking forward to returning to school, as I am positive this half term will be full of amazing learning experiences for you in all your lessons. I am particularly looking forward to witnessing even more of your outstanding achievements. I can also begin the process of attempting to complete Classroom 21’s second milestone, which I am very much looking forward to as I hope you are.

I have been working over the half-term holiday to ensure the necessary letters are ready to be sent to other schools in Stockport as I am attempting to gain permission from as many of them as possible. I am looking forward to seeing what the outcome of this specific idea will be and how it will be recieved by people in general. I am very optimistic that permission will be granted and I can begin investing in the educational futures of students in the schools in our town, including some of you. If for one reason or another permission is not granted I have a myriad of other ideas designed to enable this to happen, as Bruce says, Classroom 21 will be fluid, like water.
This week has also been an incredibly important learning curve, possibly one of the most important that will occur during our investigation. As you may have seen, soon after Classroom 21 achieved its first targeted milestone of 1,000 likes, the total number of likes rose dramatically. I got a bit carried away and made an incorrect decision to buy likes. For the record, the total number of likes before the purchase (which was incredibly cheap and easy and should make you think twice next time you judge ANY social media page by a number) was 1,032, after the process it was 2,921. Unfortunately this increase is permanent, as I have spent the last four days attempting to correct the situation.

I have made a mistake, I have learnt from it and I will not make the same mistake again. My sincerest apologies to any of you (and also anyone reading this) who felt that our initial achievement of gaining 1,000 likes had been undermined. I more than anyone felt this was the case. However, in some respects I am glad that it has happened as now I can concentrate on the most important thing, inspiring you to learn. In this case I very much hope you learn from my mistake, which is fundamentally one of the reasons why I set out to do this anyway. I now realise I got a bit lost attempting to reach a target number rather than what I have actually set out to do. That will not happen again as so called likes can officially do-one! If people want to share Classroom 21's vision and message then that will happen naturally. I have also been assured that in the grand scheme of things this is a ‘minor’ and I should 100% continue to focus on making the vision a reality. Thank you to everyone who has shown support for Classroom 21 during the week, it was very much appreciated.

As always, I thought it important to use this as a learning experience for myself as well as for you. So I searched the World Wide Web for ‘famous quotes about making mistakes’. Apparently this seems to be quite a popular subject as I found hundreds, from people with every type of professional background and from every historical time period imaginable. However, I also read recently that you should not include endless quotes in a blog post so I am not going to make another mistake and do that. I think it would be more useful if you found some out for yourself. Please feel free to let me know any interesting ones you find when you next see me. Thanks so much, see you tomorrow.


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